Interactive Metronome Testimonials
Mizuki (10 years old) – Autism Spectrum Disorder
Mizuki had problems with sensory integration, handwriting, and reading and math fluency. He also had trouble keeping eye contact and would simply repeat words or make noises instead of speaking. After just two sessions, Mizuki’s handwriting improved and he was riding his bike smoothly. With the help of IM-Home, Mizuki is now holding eye contact, reading at his age level and having conversations! His parents say he is a whole new boy!
Lily (9 years old) – Sensory Processing Disorder
Lily was having trouble in school, problems with coordination and difficulty tolerating certain fabrics. She was diagnosed with sensory integration dysfunction and began traditional therapy, but was not receiving services when she started IM training. Initially, her sensory issues made training difficult and she had to take breaks or alter the exercises to complete her sessions. Within a few weeks, Lily was more organized, completing school assignments and following directions. Her handwriting improved by over six years and she is back to being a kid, playing games with her friends and earning Girl Scout badges!
Smith (13 years old) – Confidence and Self-esteem Smith used to say he was “never very good at anything.” He started using IM because he was having trouble at school and it affected his social life and self-esteem. The IM training games helped keep Smith motivated and he was soon competing with his high scores, constantly improving his timing average. Now, Smith is reading better, his grades are up and he has his confidence back!
Aaron (12 years old) – ADHD
Aaron is a young boy from Kansas who had problems with attention and was falling behind
in school. When medication didn’t work, his parents followed the advice of a family friend and
checked out Interactive Metronome®. Medication couldn’t keep Aaron on track, but after his first day of IM training the results were obvious. His parents said his behavior changed that night, and within two months his reading percentage was up 45%. Now, Aaron is back on track and his parents have started saving for college.
Joanne (7 years old) – Auditory Processing Disorder
Auditory processing disorder (APD) is often undiagnosed until problems develop in school. Joanne was clearly smart, but she was missing information in the classroom and unable to complete oral quizzes. When her therapist suggested IM training, the changes in Joanne were immediate. She is playing at recess, raising her hand in class, and best of all, she got a 100% on an oral quiz! Her mom is thrilled to see Joanne engaging in church functions, hosting play dates and answering the phone, which is huge for someone with APD.
* In order to provide the most complete and accurate examples of what is possible with Interactive metronome, we have included testimonies from students not affiliated with NeuroMethod Tutoring. To view testimonials from actual NeuroMethod Tutoring clients, see our "Client Testimonials" page [linked here].